Picking the Right Dietary Supplements for Winter Health

There are many reasons for taking dietary supplements. Supplements that contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients are used to replace or enhance the diet. Some people take them as preventatives, while others take them to treat health problems.

Winter is a good time to evaluate your supplement regimen and consider whether you need any changes for the season ahead. Here are some tips for picking the best supplements for winter health:

If you are experiencing cold symptoms or have seasonal allergies, consider adding the following supplements to your regimen:

Vitamin C – This vitamin helps boost immune function and has anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin C also plays an important role in collagen production to help maintain healthy skin and connective tissue. Vitamin C is found naturally in foods such as citrus fruits and broccoli but can be difficult for some people to get enough of through diet alone. Consider taking 500 mg of vitamin C daily during the winter months to help maintain healthy immune function.*

Zinc – Zinc deficiency can cause poor wound healing, impaired immunity and even hair loss. Zinc helps keep skin cells healthy by stimulating cell growth, cell division and healing. Zinc is important for immune function because it helps cells produce proteins that fight infections like colds or flus by slowing down their replication rate as well as helping white blood cells destroy bacteria more effectively.

Vitamin A – Vitamin A helps maintain healthy mucous membranes in your nose, mouth and throat.* It also plays a role in stimulating the production and activity of white blood cells, takes part in remodeling bone, helps maintain healthy endothelial cells (those lining the body’s interior surfaces), and regulates cell growth and division such as needed for reproduction.

Vitamin D3 - Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for building strong bones and teeth. It also helps the immune system fight infections, including colds and flus. People who have low levels of vitamin D have higher rates of illness than those with higher levels of vitamin D in their bodies.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C boosts immunity by helping white blood cells fight off infections like colds or flus by destroying viruses that cause them before they have time to multiply into full-blown illnesses in your body."

There are many benefits of taking dietary supplements during the winter months. If you have additional questions, send us a message on our website. Jeremy and the Everything You team is happy to help!

Jake Ni

Account executive at 1 Stop Link.


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